Monday, June 20, 2016

Hot Again- Water is Good

Hi!  I'm feeling pretty good about today~

Well, I slept nice and late this morning, which is always a good thing.  We had cereal and bread for breakfast, which is the norm.  We gathered our stuff, and set off for the meeting place.

The meeting spot was a little different today than previously, but it is also much closer to us so we were fine with it.  We met Maria right by our closest bridge.  The two girls that are not in our home were there already, but the guys were nowhere to be found.

We waited a little bit, and eventually called one of the guys.  Apparently German slept late.  He'd been sick with some stomach virus for some days now, so sleeping through the night was actually a big accomplishment.  Unfortunately, they couldn't wake him up.  He got up on his own about five minutes before we were due to meet.  They took a taxi, but to the wrong place.

Maria told them to go to some other bridge, since we were on our way there anyway.  They agreed, and we began walking.  Now, before this, I'd slathered myself with sunscreen.  I became quite popular since I'd brought four bottles of the stuff and had enough to share, and everyone else was burnt to a crisp.

Anyway, we walked for a while down the street until we got to the meeting place.  They guys still weren't there.  We called them again, and they said they were at the bridge we had left about half an hour before.  We told them to take another taxi, to us.  They said ok.

We waited.  In the sun, in the heat (today was as hot as the day we arrived, like 90ºF or something.  We grew more and more irritated.  Eventually, they said they were on the other side of the bridge.  We crossed to their side, but they still weren't there.  We called them.  They told us which side they were on, and it was the other side.  We sighed, told them to cross and meet us at the place.  Today, we were gonna kayak.

Luckily, through all of this, we were not late.  The other group of people we'd be kayaking with (some local eighth graders) were also running late, and the previous group of kayakers had not returned yet.  We were happy that Maria had told us to meet pretty early.

The eighth graders laughed at our Spanish, since they wanted us to introduce ourselves in Spanish, but then the kayak guide told them to introduce themselves in English, so we chuckled to ourselves as they also struggled.  Ah, picking on middle schoolers.  Such fun.

We got into our kayaks and set off.  I went with one of the guys, and we got going very fast.  Unfortunately, the paddle I had was very small so I had to work twice as hard.

We crossed under two bridges until we got to a spot where we had to stop.  We lined our kayaks up side to side, and the VERY handsome kayak guides told two of us to stand up and switch places, walking on the kayaks.  I was selected to go first.  I, being the good sport that I am, stood up and strolled over to my spot.

What I had not expected was the kayak guides splashing, rocking the kayaks, and trying to tip us.  I managed fine, but a few of the others did not.  They slipped, fell, and floundered back to their kayaks.  We ended up very very wet.

Then we had tor return to the docks.  I, with my new partner, paddled very quickly because there was wind and we were wet, and we could feel our legs burning in the hot hot sun.  I yet again managed to avoid a burn.  Go me!

Then we returned to the house, where señora had made us lentil soup.  I never have been much of a soup eater, but it was actually not bad.  Apparently I eat much slower than most people.  I always thought I ate fast.  Hm.  Anyway, my slow eating made my roommates laugh at me. :(

After that, I decided to go off to the Plaza de España again because I absolutely LOVE it there.  Unfortunately, irritating castanet and fan vendors absolutely ruin the gorgeous plaza, because they are everywhere.  I get so mad... there are other places on the other side of the sidewalk from the plaza where other vendors go, why must you ruin something so perfect with your cheap stuff?  I know the answer, because American guiris will buy it if shoved into their faces, but it still is irritating.

Unfortunately, even in the nice shade of the Plaza, it was hot.  And somewhere else in the park, someone started playing their trumpet super badly.  It was so bad.  I've heard some bad trumpets, but that was a new level of painful.  I grabbed my stuff and went to class.

We learned about national symbols of Spain, the geography, national languages (there are four recognised official languages.  Castellano, which is Spanish, Catalán, which is what they speak in Barcelona and that area, Basque, and one other that is similar to Portuguese) and the political system.
Spain is a Parliamentary Monarchy, which I think means that there is a monarchy and a parliament.  I'm so smart, I know.  We learned about the King and Queen and princesses... by the way, Spain is interesting in the monarchy and secession and stuff.  The first child, regardless of gender, will get the crown.  In Spain, there are two princesses and no princes, but if the King and Queen have a son in the future, the eldest girl will still get the crown.  I don't know if the other monarchy countries do that, but I thought that was interesting.

Apparently, there will be an election this Sunday for the President of Spain.  Maria, our guide, is sad because we'll be in Portugal and she won't be able to vote.  There are four political parties.  The Democrats, the Republicans, one that is totally center, and a Hippie group.  The candidate from the Hippie party is funny.

During the break, I scurried off to a bar for some coffee since I was falling asleep.  It was good coffee.  Gosh, this country is gonna turn me into a coffee drinker.

Then we went home.  Señora owns a clothing store, and we said we'd go and look at it.  She has such cute stuff!  I bought a pretty shirt, and I will likely go back because it has some really nice stuff.  It has Italian clothes and styles, and I apparently like that a lot. :)

Señora took us to a local pub right down the street because she knew I liked snails, and she said it had the best snail in town... she was very right.

That is such a bad picture of me.  I apologize, I didn't take it.  The snails were very good, and I convinced my roommates to try one.  Spanish snail- Caracoles- are served in-shell, and apparently pulling the meat out is unpleasant for Americans.  They made such ugly faces when they tried it... I kinda understand.... but they taste SO GOOD!!!

I also had jamon and queso on tostado, since a meal of nothing but caracoles is a little... blug?  and the pub was really, really cheap so I had something else.  The lemonade was more expensive than the snails.  That's weird.

We had some helado, and returned to the house.  Here I am!  Tomorrow, we'll be doing.... something.  I'll see you then!


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