Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Welcome Back! Teacup News- German Edition

Hello! It's been a while since I was here, writing to you, telling you about my delightful adventures.  That would be because I've had very little to tell you about since my return from Spain... Anyway.  I'm currently sitting in the Frankfurt Airport, killing time, so I figure I might as well give you a lovely little introduction as to why I'm in Germany now.

Firstly, I'm here to study... bum bum BUUUUM... German.  Which means, I will be taking... er, two semesters worth of German classes in a single month.  Along with the "trial by fire" approach to language learning: learn fast or die painfully.  Yay! 

Anyway.  This trip has been hard to get my head wrapped around.  I don't really know why, I suppose its mostly because I haven't had a good opportunity to sit and internalize the fact that I'd be stumbling through a second country.  I'm not sure.  Regardless, I sit here now.

To start off my recounting of the last two days, I got up and paced a lot before we ended up at the airport.  I followed my boarding pass instructions dutifully, and found the terminal, but because I was so early, there was no one there yet- unsurprisingly. 

So I wandered off to the rocking chairs in the half of the airport that doesn't smell like shoes and yoga mats, and sat in the same chair I had claimed before the Spain adventure.  I drew some pictures, none of which are decent enough or relevant enough to include here.

My view from my chair!
Then I went back to the terminal... waited for a while before it became clear that this flight was going to SYRACUSE not Frankfurt!  So, I sprinted aaaaaalllll the way across the entire airport.  I made it on time, and it might have been for the best as I didn't have to kill time in my seat this way.

I had a quiet german dude on my right and a nice german dude on my left, and a puerto rican next to him.  The one on my left decided to move, so I ended up with an empty seat next to me- which quickly became occupied by my backpack.  And the flight begins.

Nine hours and three movies later, we land in Frankfurt a whole 2 minutes early.  So far, it seems our flight was the only one on time- which means we have even longer to wait here.  Huzzah!  I met up with the girl I'll be roommates with- she's nice, rides horses, has a similarly limited knowledge of the german language... seems cool.  Now, I sit and wait.

Oh!  I like this airport.  Has elevated monorails that have pretty views of the mountains.  Behold!


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