Sunday, July 15, 2018

Lounging in my Lounge-Trousers

Good day, all!  Hope everything is splendid.  Me?  I'm as content as a button.  It was a bit of a lounge day, since everything shuts down on Sunday here except for a select few places.

It was my roommate's turn to wake up at six, since she was going to Bremerhavn for the day.  That's nice, I can putz around the room doing researchy stuff for internships, study some german, stretch, and listen to my often-disliked metal music in peace.  And I can sleep late.  Which, after her alarm went off four times, I was able to do.  Yay!

I had breakfast around nine-thirty, and since it was later and also a sunday, meant that there was actually cherry yogurt down there!  Also meant all the coffee in the table-pots was a bit cold, but I would get more later so this didn't bother me too much.  I chatted with someone who had day tripped to Hamburg yesterday on their own, and we both discussed how weird and neat the flower power festival was.

After that, I set off on my own, opting to walk downtown rather than wait 20 minutes for a tram (they run 20 minutes apart on Sundays and I had barely missed the last one).  The weather was delightful and I felt the need to walk some, knowing full well that I had stuff lined up for the afternoon, so the walk was nice.  I peeked at the menus of some of the restaurants on the way and took a brief stroll through the little park halfway to the university before I ended up across the river in the square.  
There's usually something going on there, and today there was a dude with a giant bubble wand that was making bubbles for the little kids to chase around.  And the adults too.  They were lovely bubbles.  The guy playing the pan pipes and guitar that's usually there was there again, playing festive tunes.  I stuck around the square for a bit before veering off to see what shops are around.

I was hoping to go into the bookstore but it was closed, as was just about everything except the coffee shops.  By chance I ended up at a spanish cafe, which served tasty cortados that almost tasted like how I remember cortados tasting.  Still a bit milky, but that might be because I'm used to espresso which has no milk at all.  
I also found myself sitting at a table right next to a bunch of merry Swedes, which ordered a heaping tray of cake while I was there.  And coffee.  I spent the entire lunch trying to understand them, because Swedish sounds just enough like German to easily mistake the two, and since my German isn't very good, I just assumed that I couldn't understand them.  It wasn't until they said a few words which I know to be uniquely Scandinavian that I realized they were Swedish.  Maybe Norwegian, but I'm pretty sure Swedish.  Anyway, they were cute and I envied their cake.

I ordered some tortilla española for myself, because it was on the tapas menu, so it was cheap, and it had spinach which I crave.  I also am fully aware of how very filling tortillas are, so I gobbled down the potatoey goodness with great enthusiasm.  One of my favorite foods, hands down.

I then returned back to the room, where I did some pre-university semester paperwork, looked at potential internships and such, and spent some lovely time in my own company.  

Just a bit ago, I went out in search of dinner foods, since it was that time again and I had gotten rumbly in the tumbly.  So we live in the international district of Bremen, right?  Mostly Asians, Middle Easterners and East Mediterranean people here.  Which means there is some really good eating.  I had looked ahead of time to see what was open, and there was a highly-rated Greek restaurant not too far from here and I was ready to see what they did with lamb.  But they were closed for unknown reasons, so I had to improvise.  

I ended up at a chinese/thai restaurant, where I got some pineapple chicken with guava juice (which is a fantastic flavor combination, especially since it was a bit spicy.  Sweet and spicy things go great together).  I walked back, by chance running into some people in my group that were very disappointed that Croatia lost.  Poor Croatia.  I wish there was a Balkan restaurant around here....  I could go for that...

Tomorrow is DEFINITELY a laundry day, and I hope to find somewhere else equally tasty to eat.  Also, class again.  Huzzah!


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